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Webinar: Potentials for energy flexibility in Southeast Denmark and Northern Germany
23. maj 2023 / 15:00 - 16:30

How do we balance a future energy system based on 100 percent renewable energy?
The Danish-German project DG STORE has spent the last three years investigating which new solutions we can use when we have to balance a future energy system based on 100 percent renewable energy.
We are now ready to share the results of our investigations and invite you to join the presentation of our results. There will be an opportunity to ask questions to the project partners.
Praktisk information
Time: 23rd of May 2023, 15 – 16:30
Location: Auditoriet, Gate 21, Liljens Kvarter 2, 2620 Albertslund
Transport: You can take the S-train, line B, to Albertslund St. Gate 21 is about a 10-minute walk from the station.
If you are driving, please note that there is time-limited parking in several places in the area. However, there is free and unlimited parking at our neighbor, NEXT Vestskoven Gymnasium, Liljens Kvarter 6.
Gate 21 will give a short introduction to the ‘DG STORE’ (Danish German STorage of Renewable Energy) project and some of the different showcases that have been investigated since the start of 2020. The final publication takes point of departure in the ‘Status Quo Report’ from 2020 and delves into the vast changes that have affected the German and Danish energy system because of the energy crisis.
Here the findings of the different showcases are also highlighted in the final publication which participants will get a sneak-peak into before the official release of the publication on the 31st of May!
Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer in Energy & Resource Management will give an overview of the energy modelling developed in the DG STORE project and highlight some of the key findings. What are the potential benefits of the tested flexibility solutions in the DG STORE project at a larger scale? And what should be developed further in the program region in the future working towards an energy system more reliant on intermittent renewable electricity from wind and solar? These questions will be touched upon by Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer.
The participants at the webinar will also be able to ask questions related to the presented results and the DG STORE project partners that will be present during this webinar. Some of these project partners will be the utilities of Stadtwerke Flensburg and Lolland Forsyning that have worked on Power-to-Heat solutions. Furthermore, the municipality of Lolland Kommune together with the heat pump aggregator Neogrid Technologies will also be present to answer any questions related to their showcases.
Read more about the showcases here
Gate 21 & Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer is working on developing a project ‘DG RESU-LT’ (Danish German Renewable Energy Storage & Utilization – Local Transition) together with the University of Southern Denmark.This project seeks to further develop on the Energy Modelling of Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer and to further investigate cross-border challenges in the DE-DK region and beyond. Here relevant actors will be mapped for a larger project application with a focus on investigating the possibilities of integrating a future Power-to-X infrastructure/production with other sectors by establishing sustainable energy parks in the border region and how these can potentially be used as a local driver for the energy transition and development in rural areas.