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Markedsafdækning om delemobilitet

9. februar 2024 / 09:30 - 15:00

Market Exploration on Shared Mobility 

This event has already taken place. Find presentations from the event to the right.
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Two newly initiated projects aim to increase citizens’ demand for shared mobility at local transportation hubs to enhance travel by bus, train, and the upcoming Copenhagen Light Rail.

Mobility service providers and suppliers of shared mobility solutions are invited to a meeting to explore the market for solutions that can support the projects’ ambition to investigate—and ultimately establish—sustainable shared mobility solutions at major mobility hubs in municipalities in the Capital Region of Denmark and Region Zealand.

The two projects behind the market exploration meeting are distinct and require different shared mobility solutions. One project focuses on shared mobility in the suburbs of Copenhagen and aims to strengthen the upcoming Greater Copenhagen Light Rail. The other focuses on seamless travel for citizens in Region Zealand. Therefore, we invite all market actors to participate and contribute expertise to gain better insight into what the market can deliver ahead of one or more tenders with a total budget of approximately DKK 4.5 million.

The main purpose of the market exploration meeting is to prepare for the upcoming tenders to ensure content and quality that makes it attractive for private providers and suppliers to establish a shared mobility solution in these geographies.

At the meeting, we aim to introduce new ideas and discuss how shared mobility can contribute to improving collective transportation while enhancing mobility for citizens. The solutions should be flexible and sustainable alternatives that can provide an attractive alternative for private cars.

In addition to evaluating the present market conditions and staying updated on recent developments in shared mobility startup initiatives, the purpose of the market exploration meeting is to delve into strategies for enhancing the business case for solutions in Copenhagen’s suburbs and at transportation hubs in Region Zealand.


9:00-9:30 Registration and breakfast 

9:30-9:35 Welcome on behalf of the projects by the project owners
Opening by projects owners from the Capital Region of Denmark and Region Zealand

9:35-9:55 Introduction to today’s agenda and short presentation round for shared mobility providers and suppliers

Everyone gets 2 min to present their companies’ shared mobility ambitions.

9:55-10:20 Projects’ content and ambitions: The Connected Journey

10:20-10:45 Projects’ content and ambitions: Shared Mobility along the Greater Copenhagen Light Rail

10:45-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:00 Dilemma-workshop for the project: Shared Mobility along the Greater Copenhagen Light Rail

During the workshop, participants will discuss the presented dilemma in smaller groups, offering their input and feedback on the optimal way to handle the situation.

Dilemma: The project aims to promote the use of shared bicycles and e-scooters in 9 suburban municipalities. However, the varying sizes, geographies, and target demographics of these municipalities create different conditions for establishing shared mobility solutions. As an example, in Herlev Municipality, there is limited physical space near public transportation, along with additional challenges related to the construction of the Greater Copenhagen Light Rail.

12:00-12:45 Lunch and networking.

12:45-13:45 Dilemma-workshop for the project: The connected journey
During the workshop, participants will discuss the presented dilemma in smaller groups, offering their input and feedback on the optimal way to handle the situation.

Dilemma: In the catchment area around Holbæk station, there is a significant concentration of educational institutions for young people, which could be a destination for a shared mobility service. On the other hand, the willingness to pay among young people is very low, which could make it challenging to finance a solution.

 13:45-14:00 Summary and review of newly emerged themes

 14:00-14:30 Common discussion of possible tender designs and implementation

 14:30 – 14:45 Rounding off and next steps

 14:45 – 15:00 B2B Matchmaking – meet your new business partner (optional)

Matchmaking focusing on creating new business relationships that can add value to the projects.

We encourage all participants to consider this as a development and innovation workshop rather than a sales meeting. It is an informal meeting where there will be opportunities to ask questions.

After this meeting, we will send some specific questions that all participating suppliers are requested to answer in writing. Furthermore, short online tender dialogue meetings will be arranged with selected participants. The written answers and short follow up meetings will subsequently help us tailor our tender materials and contractual basis.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,

Gate 21 on behalf of the projects “Delemobilitet i Forstæderne” (Shared Mobility along the Greater Copenhagen Light Rail) and “Den Sammenhængende Rejse” (The Connected Journey)

Read more about the two projects below.

Presentation from the event

Find the presentation and insights from the event here

Case descriptions from the event

Find the case descriptions in English here

Questions about the market exploration meeting can be directed to

Ronja Sørensen
Project manager, Gate 21
2339 9749

Sign up

It is no longer possible to sign up for this event.

Shared Mobility along the Greater Copenhagen Light Rail

To strengthen public transportation in the Capital Region of Denmark, including the upcoming light rail, nine municipalities, the Capital Region of Denmark, and Gate 21 aim to establish the first cross-municipal shared mobility offering in Denmark. This means that shared bikes and e-scooters will make it easier for citizens to cover the last stretch from train and bus stations to work, education, and leisure activities. 

Over a two-year period, the municipalities will collaborate to develop a common framework for tenders or agreements with shared mobility providers, conduct a trial period of services to explore user and provider needs, and create wayfinding guidelines for shared mobility that the municipalities can implement. 

Additionally, there is an associated EU project called SMALL (Shared multimodal Mobility for ALL), which aims to further investigate how shared mobility can become more accessible, inclusive, and attractive to diverse target groups. In addition to the existing shared mobility solutions like e-scooters and two-wheeled bicycles, a trial of three-wheeled shared bikes is desired between selected locations in the municipalities of Herlev and Glostrup, as well as Herlev and Glostrup hospitals. 


Albertslund Municipality, Brøndby Municipality, Gladsaxe Municipality, Glostrup Municipality, Herlev Municipality, Ishøj Municipality, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Rødovre Municipality, Vallensbæk Municipality, the Capital Region of Denmark as the project owner, and Gate 21 as the project leader. 

Project Duration
May 2023 – December 2025 

Desired Testing Period
August 2024 – November 2025 

Ronja Sørensen,  Project Manager, Gate 21
+45 23 39 97 49, 

The Connected Journey

The project “The Seamless Journey” aims to drive innovation in public transportation in Region Zealand to enhance collective transportation and provide an attractive pick-up and drop-off service for citizens, employees, and commuters. The project strives to promote green transportation behavior and demand among existing commuters and new travelers. 

The project establishes collaboration with existing and potential new users around a hub to develop, test, and evaluate  shared mobility solutions as a first- and last mile service . The two transportation hubs in the project are respectively Hundige S-train Station in Greve Municipality and Holbæk Station in Holbæk Municipality, both of which have connections to regional trains and the  local train. Both hubs have a large number of daily travelers and opportunities to integrate shared mobility services into the stations.


Holbæk Municipality and Greve Municipality, Region Zealand, Movia, and Gate 21. 

Project Duration
August 2023 – July 2026. 

Desired Testing Period
Autumn 2024 

Kenneth Jørgensen,  Senior Project Manager, Gate 21
 +45 3145 1132

Markedsafdækning om Delemobilitet

Begivenheden er allerede afholdt. Find præsentationer i højre side af denne side.

To nystartede projekter vil øge borgernes efterspørgsel efter delemobilitet i lokale trafikknudepunkter for at styrke rejser med bus, tog og den kommende letbane.

Private udbydere og leverandører af delemobilitetsløsninger inviteres til møde for at afdække markedet for løsninger, som kan støtte projekternes ambition om at undersøge og etablere bæredygtige delemobilitetsløsninger ved lokale trafikknudepunkter i kommuner i Region Hovedstaden og Region Sjælland.

De to projekter bag markedsafdækningsmødet er forskellige og har behov for forskellige delemobilitetsløsninger. Det ene projekt har fokus på delemobilitet i forstæderne til København og vil styrke den kommende letbane. Det andet har fokus på den sammenhængende rejse for borgere i Region Sjælland. Derfor inviterer vi alle markedsaktører til at deltage for at bidrage med ekspertviden for, at vi kan opnå en bedre indsigt i, hvad markedet kan levere forud for et eller flere udbud med et samlet budget på cirka 4,5 millioner kroner.

Hovedformålet med markedsafdækningen er at forberede de kommende udbud bedst muligt med henblik på at sikre et indhold og en kvalitet, som gør det attraktivt for private udbydere og leverandører at etablere en delemobilitetsløsning.

Vi skal på markedsafdækningsmødet have nye ideer i spil og drøfte, hvordan delemobilitet kan være med til at løfte den kollektive transport samtidig med, at vi forbedrer mobiliteten for borgerne. Det skal være fleksible og bæredygtige alternativer, som kan give bilen baghjul. Dialogen skal – udover at tage temperaturen på dagens marked og det nyeste indenfor startups for delemobilitet – se på, hvordan der kan arbejdes med at forbedre business casen for løsninger i forstæder til København og på trafikale knudepunkter i Region Sjælland.

Markedsafdækningsmødet bliver afholdt på engelsk men mulighed for dele på dansk. Se venligst programmet ovenfor i den engelske version.

Vi opfordrer alle deltagere til at betragte dette som en udviklings- og innovationsworkshop snarere end et salgsmøde. Det er et uformelt møde, hvor der bliver mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til hinanden.

Efter den 9. februar vil vi sende konkrete spørgsmål, som alle deltagende leverandører bedes svare skriftligt på. Derudover inviterer vi nogle af udbyderne til opfølgende online markedsdialog møder. De skriftlige svar samt møderne vil efterfølgende hjælpe os med at tilpasse vores udbudsmaterialer og aftalegrundlag.

Vi glæder os til at se jer!

Med venlig hilsen
Gate 21
på vegne af projekterne Delemobilitet i Forstæderne og Den Sammenhængende Rejse
(læs mere om de to projekter nedenfor).

Præsentation fra mødet

Find præsentationen og insights fra mødet her


Find casebeskrivelser på dansk her

Spørgsmål om mødet rettes til

Ronja Sørensen
Projektleder, Gate 21
2339 9749


Tilmelding er ikke længere muligt

Delemobilitet i Forstæderne

For at styrke den kollektive trafik i hovedstadsområdet – herunder den kommende letbane – vil ni kommuner, Region Hovedstaden og Gate 21 etablere det første tværkommunale delemobilitetstilbud i Danmark. Det betyder, at delecykler og -løbehjul vil gøre det lettere for borgerne at komme det sidste stykke fra tog og bus til arbejde, uddannelse og fritidsaktiviteter.

Kommunerne samles over en to-årig periode om at udarbejde et fælles udbuds- eller aftalegrundlag for udbydere af delemobilitet, gennemføre en testperiode af services for at undersøge brugerbehov og udbydernes behov, samt udvikle en vejledning for wayfinding til delemobilitet, som kommunerne kan udrulle.

Derudover er der tilkoblet et EU-projekt, kaldet SMALL (Shared multimodal Mobility for ALL), som yderligere skal undersøge, hvordan delemobilitet kan gøres mere tilgængeligt, inkluderende og attraktivt for flere målgrupper. I tillæg til de allerede eksisterende delemobilitetsløsninger som løbehjul og tohjulede cykler ønskes der en test af trehjulede delecykler mellem udvalgte lokationer i Herlev og Glostrup kommuner samt Herlev og Glostrup hospitaler.

Albertslund Kommune, Brøndby Kommune, Gladsaxe Kommune, Glostrup Kommune, Herlev Kommune, Ishøj Kommune, Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune, Rødovre Kommune, Vallensbæk Kommune, Region Hovedstaden som projektejer og Gate 21 som projektleder.

Projektets varighed
Maj 2023 – december 2025

Ønsket testperiode
August 2024 – November 2025

Ronja Sørensen
Projektleder, Gate 21
+45 2339 9749

Den Sammenhængende Rejse

Projektet Den Sammenhængende Rejse vil skabe innovation i den kollektive trafik i Region Sjælland for at forbedre den kollektive trafik og at tilbyde en attraktiv til- og frabringer service for borgere, medarbejdere og pendlere. Dét gør projektet for at fremme grøn transportadfærd og -efterspørgsel blandt eksisterende pendlere og nye mobilister.

I projektet etableres et samarbejde med eksisterende og potentielle nye brugere omkring et knudepunkt om at udvikle, afprøve og evaluere det delebaserede mobilitetstilbud som en til- og frabringer service. De to trafikknudepunkter i projektet er henholdsvis Hundige S-togs Station i Greve Kommune og Holbæk Station i Holbæk Kommune, hvor der er forbindelser med regionaltog og regional lokalbane. Begge knudepunkter har et stort antal daglige rejsende og har muligheder for at indrette stationerne med delemobiltiet.

Holbæk Kommune og Greve Kommune, Region Sjælland, Movia og Gate 21.

Projektets varighed
August 2023 – juli 2026.

Ønsket testperiode
Efterår 2024

Kenneth Jørgensen
Seniorprojektleder, Gate 21
+45 3145 1132


9. februar 2024
09:30 - 15:00
Begivenhed Kategori:


Gate 21
Liljens Kvarter 2
Albertslund, 2620 Danmark
Se Sted hjemmeside


Gate 21